This is totally out of character for me (I'll be shocked if I actually post this and leave it up)...anyways here goes...
I DELETED IT..........
.... it didn't last long...I guess I realized my original post was based on some pretty intense emotions at the time...if you wanna chat about what I wrote call and ask me. I jumped on by soap box and said what I felt like saying for some time and now I'm over it. Thanks for reading :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Posted by cjvandenbos 6 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Posted by cjvandenbos 6 comments
Posted by cjvandenbos 1 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I've been spending all my free time researching and looking up grant opportunities for women business owners, and connecting with any and all people I know that would have advice for me on this new adventure. It's all so overwhelming. Once dance is over (March 20th) I think I'll have much more time to really think this over. So much to think BIG do I really want to make, buy, lease...ugh! I just want a studio...I just want to teach the art of dance...I want people of all ages to be able to express themselves and get exercise through dance....I want to make a positive impact on my little community....I want kids that live here to have a fun, safe, clean place to come and learn about dance(everyone can dance...if you can wiggle you can dance) that too much to ask for? I wish I could snap my fingers and have a place.... why is this "business" stuff so overwhelming!!!???
Posted by cjvandenbos 1 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
BIG idea...
I've wanted to open a dance studio ever since I moved back home after graduation, and once I started coaching the dream grew even more intense. I mean I love dance, and as it is I eat, sleep, and breathe dance....So why not expand my canvas?!... I have so many ideas, and I'm constantly telling my family how badly I want to do it, and after my conversation with my good friend, Jenna I just feel like I have to explore the idea more. I mean all it could be is completely too much, right?
Posted by cjvandenbos 10 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The VandenBos household is borderline out-of-control. So busy lately. Casey has been working his normal 45 ish hour work week and going to school on top of that. I totally forgot how much reading school requires (boring). On a huge plus Casey absolutely loves his program. He doesn't hate going to class and he's really enjoying all of his reading thus far!
Posted by cjvandenbos 1 comments