Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pregnancy update...

I had my first "check" (for those of you who know what I'm talking about, for those of you who don't you probably don't want to) and...Nothing! I'm completely closed up! How disappointing :( I'm so ready to meet Ruby! I guess it's a good thing since Casey will be out of town for the next two weeks!! I really don't want to have to drive myself to the hospital! :)

So that's all that is really going on in our "little world". All I do is work, go to practice, sleep, and occasionally get to see my husband! 40 hour work weeks suck...and coaching really isn't all that it's cracked up to be either! I'm ready to be a MOMMY :)


Unknown said...

Ahhh...your going to love mommyhood (not that I know anything about it)...can't wait to see pictures of baby Ruby!

Anonymous said...

bummer about the no progress BUT you made a good point...ruby needs to wait to come out until her daddy's there :-)

where is he going by the way?

cjvandenbos said...

he got a new he has a two week training in portland! he will be home on the weekends though :)

peteandjenn said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm in the same boat. I went to the Dr. today and she told me I still had a while left to go. It was kind of depressing. I just wanted a little progress or something along the lines of 'oh, you should come early'. But no. Come on babies!