Wednesday, October 22, 2008

detox update...

its not happening... after some thought and good convo with the peps who know me best i realize that a mild diet change should do the job.  see i'm one of those unlucky individuals that get horrible migraines very often (like once to twice a month, and when i say migraine i mean vomiting, crawling across the floor because i can't stand up sick...i don't use that word lightly).  anyway my neurologist has told me many times that any noticeable change in my routine, or "life" basically, can trigger a migraine (stress, sleep, diet, exercises etc...).  so not eating and cutting out caffeine is just not a smart decision for me.  also not eating = less energy and i'm a mom by day and an dance coach to 16 teenagers by night....i need energy.  instead i'm going to limit my sugar intake....that means no more mochas :(  it will be challenging but i'm sure i can do it.  i plan on eating more raw foods and less carbs.  lets face it i eat a ton of carbohydrates.  also i'm going to eat more often, i'm definitely guilty of eating not enough which we all know results in unwanted weight gain, and a jacked up metabolism.  so i'm telling you all this so i feel like i have some sort of accountability.  thanks for your help and advice :) peace


Michaela said...

good insight jess.
praying for you.
i hope it goes well.
love you and miss you!