Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Here is a poor quality picture of a picture taken with my phone of our little man.  Still hasn't completely sank in that we are having a boy.  Although I did go shopping for him.  I must say girl clothes are a lot easier to find....I'm just 1.) way too picky  2.)  way too cheap!!! 

I'm starting to get ideas of how I want Ruby and Finn's room to look.  Sharing should be interesting but, completely doable.  Ruby still says it's a girl in my tummy and that she's having a "seester".  Hopefully she'll grasp the idea sometime soon.  

As far as the pregnancy goes it's getting much better!!  I haven't thrown up in a week and a half (praise God)!  Although I'm much more uncomfortable with this pregnancy than I was with Ruby.  I must take a power nap or I am completely useless...thank goodness Ruby is still napping close to 3 hours everyday!  My belly is really starting to stick out, and Finn is really making himself known with all his jabs and kicks.  I just hope the 2nd half of this pregnancy goes as fast as the 1st!!!  I'm really ready to meet my son :)


mom2maya said...

Ah how sweet! Gram told me about Ruby's "seester", she said it was too cute : )

Mlynczyk said...

I really like the name Finn! Whenever I hear it, I think of the book 'A Separate Peace'...one of the main characters name was Phineas, but he was always refered to as Phin. I love how Ruby calls him Seester...so cute!

Lavenda Memory said...

congrats on a little boy you guys!!!