Sunday, December 27, 2009

colic, reflux and christmas....

long story short....Finn is colicky and has reflux...we don't sleep and Finn cries, oh wait I cry too. I've never felt so helpless :( On a positive note he is healthy and growing like a champ. We took him in to the doctors right before Christmas because he was projectile vomiting after he ate. They were able to rule out anything too serious (some really long terms for stomach problems...i don't remember them and I wouldn't be able to spell them either) because he is gaining weight so rapidly. If it was really serious he wouldn't be gaining (makes sense). Anyway he has colic (gas), and reflux :( help with his reflux we basically have to burp Finn during feedings (feed for a few min...burp...feed..burp...feed), he has to sit upright for 30 min after feedings, and he sleeps slightly inclined.... thankfully he isn't showing any intolerances to foods, which is really common for babies with reflux.

Christmas was good, Ruby had a blast! here's a few pictures from the last few days. I'll try to post more later....


Rob, Tami, Luca, and Gia Bellenghi said...

Hey Jessica, this is Traci Shimmin's sister Tami....I came across your blog and had to write you a little note. My second baby Gia had the SAME issues, colic (not horrible but had some bad nights) and horrible reflux. We had to have our carpet cleaned like 3 times. We tried some meds with no change and every trick in the book. She would projectile everywhere! Just know that it will pass, around 6 months it was like she just turned a corner and is now the happiest baby. I felt like her first 6 months were the longest of my life, but the last three have just flown by. Just remember during those late nights that this few months will only be a drop in the bucket when compared to a lifetime of joy he will bring you...I remember being in survival mode there for a while...good luck I hope he grows out of it soon!!!

Samantha said...

he is SO adorable! I hope he feels better, and you too mama!

Unknown said...

Ahh...sorry to hear things are a little tough...but great news that he is otherwise healthy. Ruby is so cute...did she get a new puppy for christmas!!!!

Lindsey said...

Great pics Jessica! Sorry to hear that Finn has a few bumps to get over, but it sounds like he is doing great otherwise! I love all his hair! Dylan had hair like that and has lost most of it now, I miss it! By the way you look great!!!
Hope you guys have a happy new year!!