Game face
Collecting leaves and checking the bugs out
Hugs...Quentin wasn't too sure about Ruby's overly affectionate ways but she didn't seem to care
So cute
My little bean is growing up so fast
Our Life Unplugged
Posted by cjvandenbos 3 comments
its not happening... after some thought and good convo with the peps who know me best i realize that a mild diet change should do the job. see i'm one of those unlucky individuals that get horrible migraines very often (like once to twice a month, and when i say migraine i mean vomiting, crawling across the floor because i can't stand up sick...i don't use that word lightly). anyway my neurologist has told me many times that any noticeable change in my routine, or "life" basically, can trigger a migraine (stress, sleep, diet, exercises etc...). so not eating and cutting out caffeine is just not a smart decision for me. also not eating = less energy and i'm a mom by day and an dance coach to 16 teenagers by night....i need energy. instead i'm going to limit my sugar intake....that means no more mochas :( it will be challenging but i'm sure i can do it. i plan on eating more raw foods and less carbs. lets face it i eat a ton of carbohydrates. also i'm going to eat more often, i'm definitely guilty of eating not enough which we all know results in unwanted weight gain, and a jacked up metabolism. so i'm telling you all this so i feel like i have some sort of accountability. thanks for your help and advice :) peace
Posted by cjvandenbos 1 comments
Posted by cjvandenbos 3 comments
that's my question. I'm struggling with the decision. I've been researching it a lot and it seems like for every positive aspect there is a couple negatives too. Anyway I'm looking into the master cleanse...anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm not someone that can fast very long...I get pretty sick to my stomach when I don't eat pretty easy :(. I haven't tried to detox in a little over 3 years but here are my reasons why I think I need to...
Posted by cjvandenbos 5 comments
Posted by cjvandenbos 4 comments
Elizabeth?!?!?! I found your blog thanks to Amber's :) I'm so excited to keep up with your life. I can't leave comments though, so I will just post on my blog what I wanted to say on yours ...haha. Your sweet little boy is precious. I really would love to meet him someday soon :) Call me I will drive and meet you!!!
Posted by cjvandenbos 1 comments
Posted by cjvandenbos 3 comments
Posted by cjvandenbos 6 comments
Look at how much she has changed in just one year! It blows me away...
It was a year ago today that our little one decided to FINALLY grace the world with her presence. Although labor was long and not the most joyous thing it was definitely worth it. We love you little toot hope you've enjoyed your first year as much as we have.
Posted by cjvandenbos 8 comments